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    • 11.

      Trasylol Kidney Failure

      by Steve Fields - 2007-02-26
      A recent study based on observations at 69 leading cardiac centers around the world was published regarding Bayer Pharmaceutical's heart surgery drug Trasylol. Kidney failure, heart failure, and strok...
    • 12.

      How Depression Affect our Lives: Why Women are More Vulnerable to Depression

      by Maria Markella - 2007-03-02
      Researchers claim that women are four times more vulnerable to depression than men. I am not implying in any way that women are weaker than men. It's that their biology is so much different from men's...
    • 13.

      What Causes Information Anxiety Attacks?

      by Juan Richardson - 2007-03-01
      ----------It is exact that a great deal information or an surplus of material can encourage anxiety attacks, but the same is exact if we have inadequate information or, worse still, mistaken infor...
    • 14.

      How Does Anxiety Feel?

      by Randall E. Rhodes - 2007-03-11
      Imagine if you will this scenario: You are sitting in your boss's office taking dictation. Suddenly, and without warning, an empty feeling in your stomach begins to creep up into your chest; your hear...
    • 15.

      Causes of Chest Pain

      by Sven Ullmann - 2007-04-06
      Everyone at some point in their lives will experience chest pain and some times its severe chest pain. Your chest covers a large part of your body and there is alot of territory there, so to speak. It...
    • 16.

      Automated External Defibrillator Maintenance Tips

      by Craig Rad - 2007-04-09
      The status indicator must be checked daily. You must look for a flashing black hourglass, which means that the device is all set for use. If you cannot see a flashing black hourglass on the automated ...
    • 17.

      911 Unanswered Questions & Mysteries - Venice, FL & CIA

      by Paul Davis - 2007-04-12
      There are many unanswered questions I have about 9/11. As someone who worked on ground zero, in New York City, the first week immediately after the attack, I can truly say I love my country and am pa...
    • 18.

      Break Free From Panic Attack Starting Today!

      by Dean Caporella - 2007-04-13
      When somebody uses the term "having a panic attack" in jest, the reaction is usually one of amusement from those in receipt of the comment. The reality is though, over 30 per cent of people will h...
    • 19.

      Reducing Risk Of Heart Failure

      by Eric Timmy - 2007-05-08
      Some risks for developing atherosclerosis are beyond our control - like being male or gating older. But there are many risk factors we can control what steps can you take? Avoid or quit smoking. Mange...
    • 20.

      Health Self Improvement Self Help for Anxiety And Panic Attacks

      by James Kronefield - 2007-05-18
      One of the worse feelings in the world is when you are having a panic or anxiety attack. These can be very overwhelming sometimes and very disruptive for your life. These attacks make a person fee...