by Steve Fields - 2007-02-26
A recent study based on observations at 69 leading cardiac centers around the world was published regarding Bayer Pharmaceutical's heart surgery drug Trasylol. Kidney failure, heart failure, and strok...
by Maria Markella - 2007-03-02
Researchers claim that women are four times more vulnerable to depression than men. I am not implying in any way that women are weaker than men. It's that their biology is so much different from men's...
by Juan Richardson - 2007-03-01
----------It is exact that a great deal information or an surplus of material can encourage anxiety attacks, but the same is exact if we have inadequate information or, worse still, mistaken infor...
by Randall E. Rhodes - 2007-03-11
Imagine if you will this scenario: You are sitting in your boss's office taking dictation. Suddenly, and without warning, an empty feeling in your stomach begins to creep up into your chest; your hear...
by Sven Ullmann - 2007-04-06
Everyone at some point in their lives will experience chest pain and some times its severe chest pain. Your chest covers a large part of your body and there is alot of territory there, so to speak. It...
by Craig Rad - 2007-04-09
The status indicator must be checked daily. You must look for a flashing black hourglass, which means that the device is all set for use. If you cannot see a flashing black hourglass on the automated ...
by Paul Davis - 2007-04-12
There are many unanswered questions I have about 9/11. As someone who worked on ground zero, in New York City, the first week immediately after the attack, I can truly say I love my country and am pa...
by Dean Caporella - 2007-04-13
When somebody uses the term "having a panic attack" in jest, the reaction is usually one of amusement from those in receipt of the comment. The reality is though, over 30 per cent of people will h...
by Eric Timmy - 2007-05-08
Some risks for developing atherosclerosis are beyond our control - like being male or gating older. But there are many risk factors we can control what steps can you take? Avoid or quit smoking. Mange...
by James Kronefield - 2007-05-18
One of the worse feelings in the world is when you are having a panic or anxiety attack. These can be very overwhelming sometimes and very disruptive for your life. These attacks make a person fee...