by Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya - 2007-01-28
"A light is rising high up. It will purify the atmosphere and destroy the mental taints and sins of world humanity. The world will be united as a single nation and joy and peace will be established ...
by Patricia L Johnson - 2007-02-16
Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group Ltd. launched the Virgin Earth challenge on February 9, 2007 at a press conference in London with former Vice-President Al Gore, r...
by Steve Hill - 2007-03-08
It is nearly time, time that is for The Cheltenham Festival. Next week will see the return of this famous horse racing festival with millions of pounds worth of bets being placed up and down the co...
by Marius Bezuidenhout - 2007-03-09
"Acid rain" is a broad term referring to a mixture of wet and dry deposition (deposited material) from the atmosphere containing amounts of nitric and sulfuric acids higher than normal. The precursors...
by Laysa W. - 2007-03-22
When I was 18, my pastor stood up one Sunday and announced that he would not be preaching. He went on to explain that he had been having an affair for the past 20 years with the wife of another pastor...
by Jim Hoyle - 2007-04-29
Customer Greetings Create Atmosphere and SalesHello ! Please make yourself at home. Good day ! Let me know if I can help you. Hello ! Do you need any help ? Good morning ! Can I help you find anything...
by Enoch Tan - 2007-05-16
Every person has a mental atmosphere around him that he creates with his thoughts and feelings. The mental atmosphere is also his aura of energy that emanates from his being. When a group of people co...
by tireddadoffive - 2007-06-22
Science is a fascinating subject for any age because of how applicable the concepts are to our everyday life. There are several different categories associated with science including, earth science, l...
by Tired Dad Of Four - 2007-06-27
Science is a fascinating subject for any age because of how applicable the concepts are to our everyday life. There are several different categories associated with science including, earth scie...
by Subhash - 2007-07-09
Aspace probe designed to look for signs of life in the oceans that once covered Mars will be unveiled by Nasa scientists this week. The Phoenix Mars Lander will be sent to the icy wastelands near the ...