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    • 1.

      Results of a 6 Month Adherence to a Very Low Carbohydrate Diet Program

      by Dr. Mark Johnson - 2006-12-01
      A team of researchers at Duke University Medical Center has conducted an ongoing weight-loss study that entailed monitoring 50 subjects who were following the Atkins Nutritional Approach. The individu...
    • 2.

      Useful Information about Fad Diets

      by Lee Dobbins - 2006-12-04
      If you aren't happy with what you see in the mirror but don't want to harm your health with some crazy fad diet, try these tips that might help you take off a few pounds in a healthy way: – Why...
    • 3.

      The Good Food - Bad Food Technique for Healthy Eating

      by Brad Pilon - 2006-12-04
      The Two Types of FoodNutrition is a hot topic that is discussed by just about every magazine writer, talk show host, fitness expert and guru in the industry. It seems like just about everyone can quot...
    • 4.

      What You Need To Know When Dieting

      by David Fishman - 2006-12-09
      There is no better way to lose weight than to eat right and exercise regularly. Weight loss pills are not a good solution to the overweight problem, nor are they proposed as replacement for the conven...
    • 5.

      Secondary Gain-Is It OK to Lose Weight?

      by Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD - 2006-12-13
      Is it safe for you to take the weight off and keep it off? For those who want to lose weight, this question is critical. The reasons people keep weight on are limitless. More often than not, people ...
    • 6.

      Rules And Guidelines To Follow When Dieting

      by David Fishman - 2006-12-15
      There is no better way to lose weight than to eat right and exercise regularly. Weight loss pills are not a good solution to the overweight problem, nor are they proposed as replacement for the conven...
    • 7.

      The Best Low Carb Diet For You!

      by Tamara Baruhovich - 2007-01-30
      Weight management is probably the single most important factor determining the quality and length of your life. That is why before jumping into the newest diet fad, you must dedicate some time to rese...
    • 8.

      Kimkins - Atkins - South Beach? Top Ten Ways To Make ANY Diet WORK

      by April Wend - 2007-02-01
      10. Pick a plan that does not cost you extra "out of pocket" money each week. Sure, these plans all sound like a good deal at first, but guaranteed somewhere down the line, you'll find a reason to not...
    • 9.

      Low Carbohydrate-High Fat?

      by Belinda Osgood - 2007-02-06
      Low carbohydrate eating has gained a lot of popularity during recent years, though it has been around for decades. As much as the supporters of a low carb (high protein) diet believe in it, opponents ...
    • 10.

      Diet Wise with Atkins Way

      by Kuroo - 2007-02-15
      As the ultrafashionable, high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet means, Atkins is now becoming an argument on health issue. Inspired by short-time weight-loss, a lot of women tend to follow Atkins rule...