by Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya - 2007-01-01
Material Science can be defined as understanding the potentials of this material universe and then making apt use of them. On the other hand Spiritual Science deals with the advancement of our conscio...
by Kristen Santos - 2007-01-04
Why are our children taught so young about the tragedies in the bible? Why are they taught all these horribly bias things? I don't understand. We disagree with what Muslims do... can't we see we are d...
by Ashok Rawal - 2007-01-02
Material Science can be defined as understanding the potentials of this material universe and then making apt use of them. On the other hand Spiritual Science deals with the advancement of our cons...
by Andrew - 2007-09-14
William Rowe in his article devoted to the problem of evil objects the existence of god for he allows suffering of innocent people. This is a valid objection, but since there is an almighty, all knowi...
by Andrewshw2 - 2007-09-12
Burrhus Frederic Skinner was born on the 20th of March in the year 1904. He was born in small town of Susquehanna in Pennsylvania. B.F. Skinner's father worked as a lawyer and his mother was a h...
by Andrewshw2 - 2007-09-18
William Rowe in his article devoted to the problem of evil objects the existence of god for he allows suffering of innocent people. This is a valid objection, but since there is an almighty, all...
by Andrewshw2 - 2007-09-18
William Rowe in his article devoted to the problem of evil objects the existence of god for he allows suffering of innocent people. This is a valid objection, but since there is an almighty, all...
by Andrew - 2007-10-04
In what way can I begin this paper? Antony Flew starts his speech from telling the story about two scientists who drop in the beautiful garden in the jungle. There were a lot of wonderful flowers and ...
by Andrewshw2 - 2007-10-20
Karl Marx was an atheist and believed that only science can confirm everything. Marx supposed that Hegel was the atheist as well because he did not rely on God, but only on mind. As for persona...
by Andrewshw2 - 2007-10-08
In what way can I begin this paper? Antony Flew starts his speech from telling the story about two scientists who drop in the beautiful garden in the jungle. There were a lot of wonderful flower...