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    • 1.

      Where In The World Is God?

      by Linda Dipman - 2006-12-07
      Why do people think that God is allusive? Why do people think He's never there when you need Him most? Why are people constantly complaining that He doesn't hear me when I pray anymore! How can I find...
    • 2.

      Is It Possible To Win The War In Iraq?

      by Linda Dipman - 2006-12-07
      Many people are confused as to why the war in Iraq never comes to an end. They want the war on terror to be fought, but they don't like to sacrifice American soldiers' lives. It is time to look at t...
    • 3.

      Understanding the End of the World - Part 2

      by William Bell, Jr. - 2006-12-26
      In our first segment, we demonstrated how God used the luminaries, i.e. the sun, moon and stars to refer to the patriarchs, to men of rank. See part one where Joseph's parents and older siblings were ...
    • 4.

      Importance of the Old Testament in Understanding Eschatology

      by William Bell, Jr. - 2007-01-01
      The reason many fail to understand the time of the last days, the second coming of Christ and the end of the world, is due to lack of knowledge and appreciation of the Old Testament scriptures.Those w...
    • 5.

      God's New Creation

      by William Bell, Jr. - 2007-01-02
      To Israel, God promised that he would hear the groaning of the prisoner and release those appointed to death, to declare his name in Zion and praise him in Jerusalem. The scene is the gathering of peo...
    • 6.

      Armageddon On Earth In 2009

      by Sean M. Clarke - 2007-01-06
      Forces of good and evil have existed since the beginning of the Universe. These forces exist mainly in the subtle regions of the Universe and influence the positive and negative forces on Earth almost...
    • 7.

      Yehovah Jesus Allah Call for an End to Judaism Christianity and Islam

      by Karen Fish - 2007-01-14
      The world is in turmoil today. President Bush publicly declared a Christian Crusade. President Ahmadinejad publicly declared his intention for World Jihad, for the creation of a world Islamic state...
    • 8.

      Nouri al-Maliki Claims Barzan Laughed His Head Off

      by Karen Fish - 2007-01-18
      Do you remember that night in September? Do you remember the word dismember? Do you remember the reason that the United States of America invaded Iraq in March 2003 despite the protests of Kofi Ann...
    • 9.

      Jesus Christ Commands George Bush to Nuke Iran

      by Karen Fish - 2007-01-31
      The BBC reported 4 years ago that George Bush told 2 of their reporters, "God told me to invade Iraq." George Bush rarely mentions it in public but he knows that he is a superhuman mystic prophet o...
    • 10.

      The Creator Of The Heavenly Lights

      by Linda Dipman - 2007-02-15
      A sparkling white dove floated down leaving a trail of sunbeams in it's flight. It's wings were spread out and it's eyes showed a determination to bring a urgent message of love from Jesus Christ. Th...