by Brian Shoff - 2007-01-09
A manager exists is to do one thing… manage. This involves coordinating, developing, communicating, and following up with their team to achieve the goals set by upper management. Aside from these ...
by Jim Meisenheimer - 2007-01-28
You will always command a higher price if your product is better than your competitor's product.The first step to becoming better is being different. This is easy to say and hard to do.If you bel...
by Paul Ashby - 2007-04-24
The current model of advertising was invented in the Sixties when product choice was much more limited and people were easier to stereotype into categories like income, sex and class. It was much ...
by Nishant Kasibhatla - 2007-05-10
This process is called The Law of Attraction. Though there is no concrete scientific evidence that this law works, there are millions of people who have used the law and achieved everything they w...
by Chuck Lunsford - 2007-06-29
Questions you should ask a Realtor before signing anything. A Realtor is hired to help you complete a real estate transaction with your best interest in mind. However, there are a few questions th...
by tireddadoffive - 2007-06-30
Questions you should ask a Realtor before signing anything. A Realtor is hired to help you complete a real estate transaction with your best interest in mind. However, there are a few questions that y...
by Douglas Scott - 2007-07-06
The United Kingdom is the correct political name for the country, which as well as the main land mass of England, Scotland and Wales includes numerous offshore islands, and Northern Ireland. The count...
by Jim Smylie - 2007-08-07
Think of dessert at a wedding and you get a pretty iconic image: the wedding cake. Tall as the flower girl! Frosting thicker than your ring finger! And inside, endless bits of fruit; oozing berry ...
by Jason Pearson - 2007-11-25
One of the oldest ways to make money on the Internet is throughaffiliate marketing programs. Regardless of how long it's been around, it still remains a tried andtrue way to generate an income. Ho...
by Ada Gonzalez - Interior Decorator - 2008-09-22
With the current economy, most people are careful with their spending at home. So what are you to do when you are a bit afraid to spend money but want to live in comfort and style at home? Answe...