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    • 1.

      Do Your Potential Customers Forget You?

      by Don Alexander - 2007-04-11
      Your web business probably gets product inquiries from potential customers around the globe. Inquiries come via e-mail and your web site, and you try to send information to each hot prospect as quickl...
    • 2.

      The 5 Myths of Multi-Level Marketing

      by Doug Litten - 2007-04-17
      First, let's talk about what MLM really is. MLM is simply a multi-tiered way of selling products and/or services through a direct channel of mostly part time distributors or associates. You have likel...
    • 3.

      Alticor The $6 Billion Dollar MLM Giant Sanctions Its Entire 30,000 Uk Sales Force

      by Demetrius Eto - 2007-05-09
      Alticor the $6 billion dollar MLM giant Sanctions its entire 30,000 UK sales force.War is about to break out, between MLM giants, the $6 billion turnover, Amway Corp. (Alticor and in the U...
    • 4.

      The Perfect Wealth Formula, Wealth Magnet System Or Roadmap To Riches, Your Choice?

      by Royleena Nicholas - 2007-07-19
      The Perfect Wealth Formula, Wealth Magnet and Roadmap to Riches all launched their online teaching programs in June 2007. These three new programs focus on teaching, novice and mediocre Internet marke...
    • 5.

      MLM Has Died, Let It Rest In Peace!

      by Royleena Nicholas - 2007-07-22
      "MLM business opportunities are nowadays touted as a Snails Pace means to Wealth just what does that mean? Simply put, the Internet has killed the MLM business opportunity. There is no...
    • 6.

      MLM Has Been Slaughtered, GIC Pleads Murder One!

      by Royleena Nicholas - 2007-07-25
      "MLM business opportunities are nowadays touted as a Snails Pace means to Wealth just what does that mean? Simply put, the Internet has killed the MLM business opportunity. There...
    • 7.

      What is the EDC Sales Center?

      by Powerfull - 2007-08-14
      August 12, 2007For_Immediate_Release:Page 1 of 1Brian Carnes Uses the EDC Sales Center, and Increases Sales Volume for EDC Gold. If you are like me, you have probably tried every opportunity und...
    • 8.

      EDC Sales Center - Works for Me.

      by Powerfull - 2007-08-30
      You may be a little curious about EDC Gold and The EDC Sales Center. EDC Gold is a 1 year old company that retails critically acclaimed Informational and Educational software and e-books that h...
    • 9.

      Quixtar/Amway... Still Kickin...

      by Bill Tannar - 2008-05-12
      While attending college in San Diego I became quite involved with Amway. A good friend of mine that worked with me in the wonderful world of busing tables got signed up by an apparent Amway big cheese...
    • 10.

      Amway Still Alive and Well

      by Charlie Wolter - 2008-10-21
      I know you hear the word "Amway" and run or at least not call or come by anymore. But the good part is the products are still top of the line. Quixtar/Amway whatever they want to call themselves now ...