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    • 1.

      Car Audio System -- A New Buyer's Guide

      by Chimezirim Chinecherem Odimba - 2006-12-06
      You have several options if you want to improve your current car audio system. The market is flooded with car audio systems and choosing the right one for your car can be a tough task. However, with a...
    • 2.

      Find Consumer Advice on Receivers

      by BrookeYan - 2007-02-06
      The receiver is the brain of an audio/video system. It provides AM and FM tuners, amplifiers, surround sound, and switching capabilities. It's also the heart of the setup--most of the devices in a ...
    • 3.

      When To Upgrade To An Electric Acoustic Guitar

      by K. Petit - 2007-04-23
      I have been playing acoustic guitar for years but just picked out my first acoustic electric guitar. For a long time I only used my guitar off and on and wasn't serious about it. But then my girlfrie...
    • 4.

      Be a Pro With Professional Music Gear

      by Victor Epand - 2007-11-24
      Music is such a thing that soothes the heart, the soul and even the mind. When we talk of creating music, it does not mean just to go on with the instrument. Ample equipments and instruments are requi...
    • 5.

      Sound Controlling Music Gear

      by Victor Epand - 2008-06-14
      Music is something that knows no discrimination. It is enjoyed by almost everyone in this world. It is in fact a rarity to find someone who does not love music. From time immemorial human beings have ...
    • 6.

      Electric Guitar Recording Techniques

      by Victor Epand - 2008-06-14
      A guitar is a type of musical instrument with ancient roots that is used in a wide variety of musical styles. It usually has six strings, but four, seven, eight, ten and twelve string guitars also exi...
    • 7.

      Music Gear Ideal For Different Stage Performances

      by Victor Epand - 2008-06-18
      While having a live concert a musician needs a variety of stage music gear for his performance. And along with that he also needs various accessories which come with these instruments. The most commo...
    • 8.

      Evolution of Amplifiers

      by Robert - 2008-07-20
      To date back history, the very first amplifiers make use of vacuum tubes which is a component utilized to increase and modify electric signal through the process of calculating the progression of ele...
    • 9.

      Recreation & Leisure, Evolution of Amplifiers

      by Robert Bell - 2008-07-20
      To date back history, the very first amplifiers make use of vacuum tubes which is a component utilized to increase and modify electric signal through the process of calculating the progression of ...
    • 10.

      Pick The Best Computer Audio

      by Marshal Pull - 2008-11-09
      The computer audio enriches an individual's computer experience. This is particularly true for gamers and media-lovers. With the right computer speakers, you can enjoy great sound quality for a total ...