alcohol test
alcohol test
by Marvist - 2007-02-19
There are two major types of drug testing methods - Laboratory drug tests and on-site drug tests. Laboratory drug testing is a complex process wherein the sample of a person to be tested is taken a...
by Marvist - 2007-03-30
Drug addiction is compulsive use of a substance despite negative consequences which can be severe; drug abuse is simply excessive use of a drug or use of a drug for purposes for which it was not me...
by Marvist - 2007-05-25
"How long does marijuana stay in your system?" This question is asked by many different people, and for good reason. Here are some facts about it and some information about how long it stays in ...
by Marvist - 2007-05-27
According to the federal government estimates companies lose $82 billion in productivity each year because of substance abuse. Now, a growing number of employers are fighting back with workplace...
by Marvist - 2007-05-31
Drug addiction has become a very destructive element in our society. The widespread use of drugs such as LSD, heroin, cocaine, "angel dust," marijuana and a long list of others has contributed h...
by NATE RODNAY - 2007-06-13
Drug Testing Programs in Schools are measures that teachers and administrators of a school put into place in order to discourage drug use by students. School districts saw widespread implementatio...
by Marvist - 2007-06-16
While there are many issues with teenagers that strike fear in the heart of a parent, teen drug use is the prime one. But you can't let your fear force you to ignore drug concerns in your child'...
by Marvist - 2007-06-18
Drug abuse is the use of illicit drugs, or the abuse of prescription or over-the-counter drugs. The abuse of legitimate drugs can be done by using the drugs in a manner or in quantities other th...
by Marvist - 2007-07-01
Drug testing kits are easy to handle and can be used anywhere. These are unlike drug testing equipments as it is not needed any third person intrude to test on any other equipment. Pare...
by Drugteststrips - 2007-07-05
Though there are many preventive acts to not to abuse drugs, drug addictives number is increasing year by year. Once a person addicted to drugs, still there is a way to abstain him from abusing drugs....