by Greg Baer - 2006-12-12
It has become increasingly common for partners to cheat on one another. Putting aside the moral and social judgments of this fact, let's look at how the affected partner can see and react to the cheat...
by Naresh Belliyappa - 2006-12-21
You have irrefutable proof that your husband is cheating on you. How do you handle this information, this most personal of all betrayals? You confront him, he denies it, you show him the proof, he goe...
by Paul Davis - 2007-01-23
Broken glass Lying on the floor Broken glass It is no more Broken glass Shattered into pieces Dreams gone awry Desperately she does cry Tears fill each eye As midnight draws nigh Her stomach...
by Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD - 2007-01-26
"The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we a...
by Dr. Robert Huizenga - 2007-01-31
Almost daily I encounter those entangled in a kind of extramarital affair I describe as "I Fell Out of Love...and just love being in love."The cheating or "offending" spouse has encountered someone...
by Dr. Robert Huizenga - 2007-01-31
Learn from these real life extramarital affair coaching scenarios. In the first section the person struggling with the marital infidelity summarizes the scenario or concern and what he/she would li...
by David Slepkow - 2007-03-16
1) How long does it take to get a divorce in Rhode Island?If all issues concerning divorce, child support, equitable division of assets, alimony, visitation and other issues are resolved between the p...
by Barbara Calvi, LMFT - 2007-03-29
Affair Recovery: The Truth About Affairs -- Debunking Common MythsBeing hit with the news that an affair is usually devastating and often turns the betrayed spouse's world upside down. In a maels...
by Sydney Guishard - 2007-04-19
Here are some signs that can tip you off that you have a cheating husband or cheating wife. Feel free to forward this list to anyone who might be interested. I just ask that you don't change anything ...
by D DeCoteau - 2007-04-25
Affair statistics are alarming in this day and age and are the number one cause of divorce. Being able to recognize the signs of an affair and stop an affair before it occurs may be the deciding facto...