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  • aerobic

    • 1.

      What Are Some Causes Of Gaining Weight (Fat)

      by Donny Fonseca - 2006-12-04
      Are you overweight, or just have a little extra to love, but you can't seem to get rid of the fat. Furthermore, you actually seem to be putting on weight? Maybe you have a good by except for one are t...
    • 2.

      Tips for Your Walking Program

      by Lanny Schaffer - 2006-12-05
      Walking remains a popular form of exercise. It takes only a good pair of shoes , little skill and can be done indoors or outdoors. Here are some tips to get more out of your walking program:* Progress...
    • 3.

      How To Become A Vegas Showgirl

      by Ellie Schneider - 2006-12-08
      All of the big Las Vegas casinos put on shows to attract crowds to the casino, and instead of hiring new dancers every time the change the show, they hire full time dancers and these girls are called ...
    • 4.

      Exericse - Desperately Lacking in the World Today

      by Carol Stack - 2006-12-22
      People in the United States, and those in other modern countries, are eating more (and more of the wrong stuff) and exercising less or getting no exercise at all. So many of us think we are too busy t...
    • 5.

      Exercise - Starting Out

      by Chris Chenoweth - 2006-12-29
      You know you need to exercise but have no idea how to start. What exercises will work the best for you? How much physical movement do you need? How do you find the time in your busy schedule to start ...
    • 6.

      Can Weight Training Reduce Cardiovascular Risk?

      by Robert Palmer - 2007-01-27
      When you think of improving your cardiovascular fitness, aerobic activities such as walking, jogging, swimming or cycling usually come to mind. Surprisingly, research has shown that weight tra...
    • 7.

      Calories Aren't Everything

      by Robert Palmer - 2007-01-27
      A common aerobic fat loss precription is to burn a minimum of 300 calories per session. The latest equipment from treadmills to ellipticals now have calorie counters on them. Millions of men a...
    • 8.

      The Difference Between Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercises

      by Edward Sample - 2007-02-04
      Many people mistakenly believe that all vigorous forms of exercise are aerobic in nature. However, some forms of vigorous exercise are actually anaerobic, and have a very different effect on the b...
    • 9.

      Low Calorie Diets May Lead to Bone Loss

      by Robert Palmer - 2007-02-06
      Individuals who lose weight on low calorie diets alone may be susceptible to bone loss. The same is not seen when exercise is included as part of an overall fat loss plan. Most US adults are...
    • 10.

      Weight Training is Good for Your Heart

      by Robert Palmer - 2007-02-08
      The standard prescription for improving cardiovascular fitness is submaximal aerobic exercise. The concept that long duration cardio is best for your heart continues despite research indicati...