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    • 81.

      Keep Your Resolution, Fulfill Your Dream, Achieve Your Goal In Five Simple, Common Sense Steps

      by I Resolve To - 2007-03-05
      Based on everything you read and hear about New Year resolutions, you'd think ‘making and keeping' them is a near-dead practice. Personally I'm not giving up and I hope you will consider making o...
    • 82.

      How To Make Sure That Your Choice Is Correct

      by Moni Arora - 2007-03-07
      Everything we wanted to be in life all boils down to a choice. Scary, right? So if you really want to do something or be someone - how do you do it? How do you make sure that your choice is correct? F...
    • 83.

      Triggers and Connections - Sparks and Flames

      by Andrew Leigh - 2007-03-08
      Have you ever been hit by a bout of unexpected creativity? A moment when out of the blue, your head is aflame with ideas that are coming faster than you can write them down? It happened to me last wee...
    • 84.

      The Keys To Successful Self-Marketing

      by Joe Love - 2007-03-11
      You've probably noticed how few people always seem to get the raises, promotions and pats on the back from the boss, while so many others toil for years, unrecognized and unrewarded, at the same jobs....
    • 85.

      The Best Time Of Your Day!

      by Peck Ling - 2007-03-12
      Brian Tracy said "You become what you think about most of the time and the most important part of each day is what you think about at the beginning of that day."Frankly speaking, I have never done ...
    • 86.

      The Essentials Of Business Communication

      by Joe Love - 2007-03-18
      If you're one of those individuals who occasionally ponders the mysteries of the universe, you may have wondered why we have two ears instead of just one. The answer depends on who you ask, as it does...
    • 87.

      Be Positive!

      by Shea Korte - 2007-03-19
      Positive, For some its hard, for others its easy, being positive throughout your life while doing various activities is and can be a full time job in it's self.Your attitude around your friends, famil...
    • 88.

      The Secret - Is It Really a Secret?

      by Rick Johnson - 2007-03-22
      The latest rage in self development circles today is a CD and Book called "The Secret". People have even been on Oprah and Larry King promoting the concept of the powers in the universe. The basis of ...
    • 89.

      The Miraculous Way to Achieve Anything, Goal Setting©

      by William Truax - 2007-03-23
      Forever we have heard that goal setting is the most effective way to achieve our fondest dreams. Just about every motivational speaker in the history of the world has said this at some time. Ironica...
    • 90.

      Eating To Increase Your Brain Power

      by Joe Love - 2007-03-26
      Twice a year, during finals week at universities across the country, thousands of bleary-eyed students camp out in the library or their living rooms, surrounded by stray soda cans and crumpled candy w...