by Emily Seate - 2006-12-06
What if we all resolved to put our grinch-selves into the closet and lock the door during this holiday season? What if we chose to remember the treasures we already have, like family and friends?Ever...
by Helene Rothschild - 2006-12-09
What a dilemma! We see so much that angers and frightens us. We know that it is not right to abuse anybody or anything. We feel our hearts crying, "It's supposed to be different!"Deep inside we know ...
by Diana Sullivan - 2006-12-12
Resistance to anything in life increases more of it. The war against cancer, the war against drugs and even the war against terrorism have all created more of what is being resisted. The secret lies...
by Jim Gustafson - 2007-01-11
Going to the movies is a rare occurrence for me. I would like to go more often, but it becomes a bit of a chore. The lines tend to be long, the popcorn expensive, the theater noisy, and cell phones al...
by Sylvia MacKenzie - 2007-01-21
Author Eckhart Tolle in his book, "The Power of Now", describes Presence as living fully in the moment, in the Now, without thoughts or feelings of past or future. Guy Finley, best selling author of "...
by Sylvia MacKenzie - 2007-01-21
Me too. Every day. And guess what? I do. I start really living every day - in each moment actually. That's how it's done. Begin in the Now.Think of this: the Present Moment contains no past and no fut...
by Terry McBride - 2007-01-19
Several months ago I spoke at a church and told my story of how I created health even though the experts said my health challenge was "not curable." After my talk a woman who said she had been a pr...
by Terry McBride - 2007-01-19
At twenty-three I had a spinal fusion. Somehow during surgery my spine became infected with the e-coli bacteria. Over the next eleven years while engulfed in what my surgeons said was an incurable ...
by E. Raymond Rock - 2007-01-26
We will never succeed at changing ourselves by trying to change ourselves directly. We must do it indirectly. By indirectly means merely watching our anger instead of trying to rid ourselves of it, be...
by KG Stiles - 2007-01-29
A clean, fresh, woody aroma that's light and clear with a hint of spice, reminiscent of pine and juniperberry. Cypress oil is distilled from the leaves (needles) and cones of the column shaped, evergr...