acai berries
acai berries
by Ken Barnes - 2007-01-03
The Acai Berry is being promoted as a super fruit and with good reason. Acai Berries are considered one of the richest fruit sources of antioxidants.These are the same antioxidants that destroyed cult...
by Dan Nessel - 2007-01-31
Acai (ah-sigh-EE ) is a fruit that grows on the Acai Palm Trees in the Amazon Rainforest of Brazil. The Acai berry is small in size (smaller than a grape) and is dark purple in color. Acai is mostly s...
by Kat Lively - 2007-04-18
Read the latest alternative health literature, or maybe turn on the news, and you might find a report on the benefits of acai as a natural remedy. For centuries, people of South America have enjoyed a...
by Kat Lively - 2007-04-18
Did you know it is recommended to intake a minimum of 3,000 ORAC units a day in order to benefit from the healing powder of antioxidants? Do you even know what an ORAC unit is? It may sound like somet...
by Christopher Fisher - 2008-09-11
It may be tempting to ignore the acai berry as just marketing hype and the latest fad. However, even though it isn't a "miracle berry" or the cure to all that ails you, the acai berry is an extremely...
by Robert - 2008-09-12
Acai berries are held to be the true superfood. Why is that so, you may ask. First and foremost, the definition of a superfood points out to the whole food which comes with a variety of vitamins, min...
by ROBERT MELKONYAN - 2008-09-12
Acai berries are held to be the true superfood. Why is that so, you may ask. First and foremost, the definition of a superfood points out to the whole food which comes with a variety of vitamins, ...
by John Foley - 2008-09-20
Extreme Acai Berry can help you Look Better and Feel Better by flushing your body of all that excess waste, that is weighing you down. Basically, you can lose weight 100% naturally and feel better at ...
by Mike Herring - 2008-10-09
It is a really sound theory that during the Dark Ages, when the plague ravaged so many individuals in numerous regions of the world, the two primary suspected perpetrators behind it are poor hygiene a...
by Will Knight - 2008-10-16
What you are about to read will literally change the way in which you diet forever. All too often we hear claims on the T.V that this product or that product will make you lose more pounds than an En...