abusive relationship
abusive relationship
by Michael Douglas - 2006-12-11
When you are in love with someone, the relationship should bring you joy and a sense of emotional well-being. People who are in a relationship often stand as support systems for one another and share ...
by Charles Keel - 2007-01-05
Abusive relationship is a growing concern and should be more investigated for accountability. Men and women who are making their partner's life a misery should be brought to justice and humiliated in ...
by Dan Baritchi and Jennifer Hunt - 2007-07-13
Office romances are tough enough, but…Take an office romance, add infidelity, and throw in an abusive relationship… and you have a potentially very dangerous love triangle. Fact is, many people don't ...
by Dr. Jeanne King - 2007-08-21
Warning! This article will either turn you upside down or be the angel that keeps you on your feet, or both.Each time I go into a chat room on the Internet, in which the topic is abusive relatio...
by Dr. Jeanne King, Ph.D. - 2008-07-01
People ask me what kind of domestic abuse assessment screen helps someone who is abused to see the light. In providing assessments for thousands of people, I'm convinced that a tool which reveals the ...
by Dr. Jeanne King, Ph.D. - 2008-07-03
"I want to leave but I'm on the fence. My heart says one thing and my head says another. How do I make the decision to go?" I hear this over and over and over, again and again. My answer to this inqui...
by Dr. Jeanne King, Ph.D. - 2008-07-03
Abused intimate partners do come in all shapes and sizes, and most definitely there are some themes characterizing them. Some people will tell you low self-esteem is one of these characteristics. But ...
by Dr. Jeanne King, Ph.D. - 2008-07-18
Far too often, we hear individuals in abusive relationships seeking to change their partners in order to change their relationship. While it is true that a change in either person will change the over...
by Dr. Jeanne King, Ph.D. - 2008-07-31
While the punch, the black eye, the bruised throat or broken jaw are obviously glaring signs that one is living in an abusive relationship, these are not always the clues that inspire the abused to le...
by Dr. Jeanne King, Ph.D. - 2008-07-31
Often it is the person closest to the abused individual that becomes vocal about the existence of an abusive relationship. This may be mother, father, sister, brother or best friend. What becomes most...