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  1. Happiness And The Law Of Attraction

    by Janet Grace Ortigas - 2009-12-26
    Many people find therapy as an effective path to happiness because it changes them and they found it very helpful as it helps them accept responsibility for their mood and how their behavior, their th...
  2. The Secret Of Changing Your Self Image

    by Janet Grace Ortigas - 2009-12-26
    Many people think they are too old to make major life changes and think they are trapped about being who they are because that is who they have been. Truth is, you can change your self-image regardles...
  3. Self Belief And The Law Of Attraction

    by Janet Grace Ortigas - 2009-12-26
    Believing in yourself is one of the best things you can do in order to achieve your goal. If you have a slightest doubt in your abilities and capabilities, you will not only decrease your self confide...
  4. Contentment And The Law Of Attraction

    by Janet Grace Ortigas - 2009-12-26
    Many people spend their time worrying about what happened yesterday, and what will happen tomorrow. Nobody seems to be content with their present circumstance. Aspirations and goals are wonderful thin...
  5. The Secret Law Of Attraction (how To Apply)

    by Avatar - 2009-12-20
    The Secret has been revealed to the world and Law of Attraction has been discovered by more people than ever before. The Secret has become best-selling self help book and DVD. The Secret means the Law...
  6. Law Of Attraction - You Could Have The Loving Relationship Your Heart Desires

    by Janet Grace Ortigas - 2009-11-20
    The Law of Attraction teaches us that we are here to create the world around us that we choose so feel exhilarated by the whole process because you are here to get the world just as you want it. There...
  7. The Secret Of Creating What You Want

    by Janet Grace Ortigas - 2009-11-20
    If you want to increase abundance in your life and see tangible result, start your day by making a statement that you want to experience abundance today and release it to the universe. You can create ...
  8. Law Of Attraction - How To Develop Your Creative Visualization

    by Janet Grace Ortigas - 2009-11-20
    Creative visualization is the same as the Law of Attraction where you use positive thinking and enthusiasm to visualize the things you want so that it will manifest into your reality. However, creativ...
  9. Manifesting Lesson: Learning From Our Scars

    by Maria Meiners - 2009-07-30
    Several years ago when the kids were younger, I remember walking out on the back deck find them and their friends comparing scars. In turn they proudly pointed out each one, telling the story about ho...
  10. Manifesting Lesson: Getting Through Dry Spells

    by Maria Meiners - 2009-07-29
    Ever have one of those weeks (or months) when your creativity seems to have completely dried up? When this happens it's a sign from your inner being that it's time to take a break. Our human minds and...
  11. Warning: Mental Cobwebs Can Get In The Way Of Manifesting Success

    by Maria Meiners - 2009-07-21
    Having the proper attitude is a pre-requisite to successful manifesting.  The Universe always brings you what you are putting out - and if you are putting out gunk you'll get gunk back.  When you're f...
  12. How To Get Your Ex Back - Here Are Your First Steps

    by Gun guru - 2009-07-16
    This can be the main concern for many people every day. When a couple will not stop mutually, one side will always be left hurt and alone. The worst thing is, most people don't even see it coming. But...
  13. How To Get Your Ex Back - Do You Want To Get Back With Your Ex?

    by Gun guru - 2009-07-16
    When it comes to finding a dating, I know how difficult it can be to find the right guy or gal, let alone finding that long term relationship. Let's face it, dating and maintaining a relationships is ...
  14. The Hidden Law Of Attraction That Attracts Money And Success Fast

    by Kristen Howe - 2009-06-18
    Have you ever heard the statement, 'Give and you shall receive'? Of course you have. But is it true? I'm here to tell you that the 'Give and you shall receive' concept is the hidden Law of Attraction ...
  15. The Law Of Attraction: Attitude Is Everything

    by John Graden - 2009-06-07
    Most of our internal programming is the result of how we were raised. We inherit many of the values of our parents, not from the bloodline, but from their examples as our primary role models for life....
  16. To Decide Or Not Decide - This Is The Law Of Attraction

    by Kathleen Gage Speaker - 2009-04-14
    Lately I have been reading and hearing a great deal on the power of decision and the power of indecision. Some people would argue that indecision carries no power with it. Actually, indecision carries...
  17. 5 Simple Steps To Get The Law Of Attraction Working For You

    by Ryan K Biddulph - 2009-04-13
    The law of attraction is at work in our lives whether we are aware of it or not. This law states that energy attracts like energy. At an atomic level the Universe is energy. All of the different forms...
  18. Law Of Attraction: Just An Event In Your Life

    by Beth McCain - 2009-01-07
    Are you the kind of person who regrets and feels guilty about an event in your life? Do you feel as if you are less of a person because of a particular circumstance that was or is in your life?Today i...
  19. A New Thought Creates Change

    by Beth McCain - 2009-01-07
    Really think about this. How wonderful would it be to have the life that you want? We don't mean a fast forward version and a 'quick think' of how wonderful life 'could' be. We're talking about really...
  20. Finding Your Natural State Of Being

    by Beth McCain - 2009-01-07
    One of the keys to having the Law of Attraction work intentionally is to be aware of your natural state of being. Now what exactly does that mean? Let's take a look at who you really are.Your physical...