Vacation Time - Take It - You Need It (And Your Company Will Survive Without You)

by Julia Barnard - Date: 2007-04-04 - Word Count: 513 Share This!

"Vacation is time off to remind employees that the business can get along without them." Earl Wilson. The implications behind this quote are discussed as well as the importance of taking a vacation to relieve stress and enhance well-being.

This quote tackles an interesting issue for many employees. It suggests that employees are just not that important or worthy to the company. As such, it can leave a person feeling quite despondent. However, by accepting the quote, a person can take their vacation without guilt or believing the company will fall apart as they are not there for two whole weeks.

Some people may find it hard to accept such a quote, believing it does not apply to them. You may have met people reluctant to take their vacations as they believe the company will not survive without them. Or if they do take the vacation, they keep their phone on so they can be contacted at any time. Some people may also leave their vacation early to go into work.

Yet, if we take the quote to be true, why should any person behave in this way? The truth is you really are not indispensable and a business really can get by without you, whilst you take your vacation. Even world leaders take a vacation and the world still functions during that time. Your company may well and truly value you and perhaps you really are important to them. In fact you must be, else there would not be a role for you there in the first place. This is not in doubt. What is in doubt is the belief that a company would crumble without you. Yes, you can be valued, however you are not indispensable.

So what can we learn from this quote? Consider the following:

Hopefully, it will help you acknowledge that it is okay to take a vacation.

Taking a vacation means you will be away in mind as well as body. In other words, don't take work with you and don't allow people to contact you whilst you are away.

It can help a person relinquish control and interestingly, by doing so, take control. By taking your vacation you are stepping away from your job and so must trust others to function in your place. This is where you are relinquishing control. Yet by doing so, you show that you control your work and your work does not control you.

By taking your vacation you have shown you are able to create a balance in your life and are making important decisions that matter to you. You realise that there is more to your life than work.

Your stress will be reduced as you will feel able to take your vacation without feeling guilty and the vacation itself will revive you.

Shortly before going on your vacation, ensure that people know you are away, delegate work as necessary and schedule meetings and deadlines to account for your vacation time. If you are good enough in your role at work (which you are), then you will slip right back into it when you get back.

Copyright Julia Barnard 2007

Related Tags: stress, wellbeing, work, workplace stress, vacation time, taking annual leave

Julia Barnard is a professional counsellor living in Adelaide, Australia.

She provides an online counselling service through her website

Julia also writes articles for the website aimed at enhancing well-being and promoting good mental health.

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