7 Whiz Bang Good Ideas - Viral Marketing for List Development

by Jan Verhoeff - Date: 2007-04-07 - Word Count: 363 Share This!

Viral Marketing is an excellent means of getting your name 'out there' for Business Recognition and Brand Identification. But you're probably sitting there wondering what the heck is Viral Marketing, unless you've been on the Internet doing business for a long time.

So, here's your education…

Viral Marketing is a means of putting your name and website into an email message that gets 'passed around between friends' and shared via the Internet without getting labeled as spam. The purpose is to broadcast your website to a wider audience.

There are many ways to accomplish this task of including viral marketing in your everyday business transactions online, and none of them are difficult or hard.

1) Write an ebook with basic information about almost anything relating to your site and topic. Include keywords and many links to your website. Send it out FREE and offer to allow readers/receivers to give it away FREE if they leave all links intact.

2) Create a Special Report with links and keywords that will bring readers to your site. Give it away or sell it with the right to give away or resell as a bonus Item.

3) Develop a Blog for FUN or Information where you provide FREE Information about something that interests a lot of people and offer a lot of FREE links and info from that page - INCLUDING your Marketing Page Links.

4) Send out a GREAT Informational Email that can be passed on with FREE information, or a gift, or a report.

5) Include a contest on your site and Email Invitations that people can forward to come play your contest.

6) Create a Video Game or Card Site to include on your website and invite people to come play games or send cards for free - Include a Link Back to your site.

7) My favorite - Write Articles and send them out as emails to your friends and encourage them to forward them to people who might be interested in that information.

There you have 7 Whiz Bank Good Ideas that lead to Viral Marketing of your site, product, or links that lead back to your website. Be sure to include a compelling invitation to sign up for your ezine in whatever selection you make.

Related Tags: money, email marketing, viral marketing, special reports, ebook, contest, blog marketing, list development

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© 2007 - JanVerhoeff

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