Exercise And Diabetes - What Are The Benefits?

by Terry Edwards - Date: 2006-12-11 - Word Count: 446 Share This!

It makes no difference if you have Type 1 Diabetes or Type 2 Diabetes, exercise will always play a key role in anybody's diabetes management plan.

If you are one who has Type 1 Diabetes, exercise can not only help in controlling your weight, but it can also build muscle and maintain your health. While there is no cure for Type 1 Diabetes yet, regular exercise will help keep it under control.

If you happen to have Type 2 Diabetes, then staying active and getting some exercise is even more important for your body. In fact, exercise may eliminate this form of diabetes entirely.

One of the biggest contributors to being a Type 2 diabetic is your weight. Exercise will keep your weight under control and build your body's insulin system to combat the increased glucose levels. Exercise can help in lowering your blood sugar level and possibly eliminate the diabetes altogether.

So, what are the best forms of exercise for those who have diabetes? Without a doubt, it's walking. Studies have been done for years that prove this out. Just by getting in a 30 minute walk you greatly reduce the risk of getting Type 2 Diabetes.

Walking is something most everyone can do. It requires nothing more than a good pair of tennis shoes and a commitment on your part to stick with it.

One of the side effects in having diabetes is a decrease in blood circulation. Many diabetics lose this circulation in their hands and feet, but with exercise, you can prevent this from happening in most cases.

Other forms of exercise that are beneficial for those with diabetes include biking, low impact aerobics, eliptical machines, swimming and so many others.

There are a few precautions you'll need to take in any kind of exercise program when you're a diabetic. You'll need to keep close tabs on your blood sugar level. Since exercise will lower it, you may find yourself with low blood sugar. This can result in hypoglycemia.

You can avoid any problems like this by simply carrying some candy with you in the even it does occur. If you feel your blood sugar level bottoming out, stop what you're doing and take care of yourself.

A part of every diabetes treatment plan should include exercise. Take a moment and pick out an activity you like and then get started. If you're having a difficult time with it then start a walking routine several times a week. You'll go a long way toward maintaining good health and keeping your diabetes under control.

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Related Tags: type 2 diabetes, type 1 diabetes, blood sugar level, exercise and diabetes

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