Guide In Selecting Clothes Hangers

by bbmich - Date: 2010-09-30 - Word Count: 412 Share This!

One of the least respected areas in your home is your wardrobe. Most of the time it is stuffed with shoes, purses, bags and most especially your clothes. Often times our valuable clothing are hung on mismatched hangers. Because of your loaded closets, our bed linens are mixed in with umbrellas, towels and shoes. Your closet is a big mess of clutter before you know it.

For you to have an organized closet in a fastest, easiest and simplest way, you have to use clothes hangers. With its help you will surely save an enormous amount of money, time and stress. There are many options in choosing a hanger, but you have to be aware of its different types. Everyday you get to used your metal, wooden and plastic hangers, but how little you know about each of there uses.

Wooden hangers are for your heavy jackets and suits. They are also used for delicate clothes like silks and satins. This type is commonly used in most establishments like hotels and boutiques because of there classic look and elegance. Plastic hangers are common in most homes. They are lighter in weight but are durable. There is a possibility that you can use them for a lifetime. Another option is the latest unbreakable hanger. Excellent for traveling sales people and for those who wants to save space in their closet.

In purchasing, you can start by a set of 30 hangers or 60 if shared by two people. You can have the plastic ones that are inexpensive and readily available in retail stores. They come in different colors and are sturdy to hold your heavy garments. You can just buy one color for yourself if you want uniformity and another color for the person your sharing space with. You can also get sturdy skirt and pants hangers. It is wiser to have skirt hangers with clips that hold 5 to 6 skirts on one hanger. Do not buy flimsy wire hangers, because they can damage your clothing and most of them are easy to bend and break. For items that have wide necks or slinky fabric, you can use hangers with slip guards to keep the item neatly on the hanger.

It is better to have one type of hanger in your closet to have a neater look and uniformity. Your clothes and hangers must be paired appropriately to avoid damages. Arranging them by types and colors is a part of your organization process.

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