How to Create the Perfect Survey

by Janae - Date: 2008-08-22 - Word Count: 230 Share This!



Preserve anonymity. If the employees identities are tied to their responses, they may feel threatened, especially if their opinions differ from the company line.
Establish a clear objective for your survey. If employees can see that their opinions drive change, they are more likely to participate enthusiastically in future surveys.
Use clear and concise language when writing questions.
Use questions that begin with who, what, where, when, why or how.
The design of a survey should also be simple.
Use a large enough survey sample
Make sure to choose the correct medium for delivering your surveys
Allow a "Don't know", "not applicable", "other", or "none" response option
Make sure your questions are in an order that makes sense


Use loaded, leading, double barrel, ambiguous or compound questions. Also, avoid questions that use jargon or double negatives. (Loaded or leading questions may hint to the respondent how you expect the question answered, whereas, ambiguous or compound questions can be confusing.)
Make the surveys too long or complicated. (A good survey will take less than twenty minutes to complete and ask no more than seventy closed-ended questions and a few open-ended questions.)
Use a biased survey sample. You want accurate results, right?
Use emotionally charged words as this can effect the answers.

*You may find out whether your school or company has access to an online survey software provider that can help with phrasing of questions, reporting responses, and analyzing results.

Related Tags: survey, online survey software, creating a survey, writing a survey

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