Stroller Safety - 5 Things To Check Ahead Of Time!

by Devindra Madnani - Date: 2010-09-26 - Word Count: 338 Share This!

So you're in the market for a brand spanking new stroller for your baby. You want your child to not only be comfortable but cruise around in style too. Convenience features are even more welcome as they let you store away handy items for your journey and not to mention those great cupholders that let you bring along some refreshment too.

Though one critical and often overlooked factor of every stroller is the safety it offers.

Definately, your stroller should be chic and your convenience should be second to none but ask yourself what really comes above your baby's safety?


A great stroller is a fusion of various components such as: portability, flexibility, durability, convenience and most importantly, safety.

How do you choose a stroller that's extremely safe for your child? Well, here are 5 super simple ways:

1.) Check the stroller's weight balancing. A good stroller shouldn't be tipping over to any side, the overall weight of the stroller should be evenly distributed.

2.) Throughly check the safety harness. A 5 point safety harness is the optimal safety feature for a stroller, this harness goes around the baby's waist, between his legs, and over both shoulders. A 5 point safety harness prevents your baby from slipping out at any point of your journey.

3.) Stroller brakes should be inspected well. Check the effectiveness of your stroller's breaking system regardless of whether it's a hand or foot breaking system.

4.) Make sure there aren't any sharp edges or places where your baby's fingers might slip into, these can be pretty dangerous.

5.) Check the stroller manufacturer's feedback on consumer review websites or from any other trustworthy sources. If in case you don't want to go to that extent then choose a time tested and reliable stroller brand. "You get what you pay for" is a cliche' for a reason, stay away from those strollers that seem to good to be true.

Keep in mind these great stroller safety guidelines when choosing your next baby stroller.

Check out Pink Double Stroller for some great baby strollers and baby stroller info!

Related Tags: stroller safety, double stroller safety tips, stroller tips

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