How Long do Acne Red Marks Stay

by John Ward - Date: 2006-12-04 - Word Count: 388 Share This!

Red marks caused from acne can linger for a while. Even though some acne marks can disappear in as little as a few days. The repair procedure is what tells the individual the medicines are working. Everyone is different.

One person may heal extremely quickly while others take a longer period of time. Teenagers as well as an adult may take several days to completely heal. While the treatments wor the red marks are what take the longest to depart. Blackheads are not the same as zits. Zits take longer to cure therefore the red marks take longer to leave.

A teenager as well as an adult has clashing healing periods. If the treatment takes a while to complete, the red marks may stay just as long. A treatment for the red marks is egg yoke, instead of egg whites to fight zits. Rub this mixture over your face and let it dry. Then gently wash it off after a little while. The red marks will start disappearing. There are a few remedies that can be explored to remove red marks quicker. Again, it is all up to the person's body. A remedy may work for one but not for another.

Teenagers experience blackheads and zits frequently. An adult could encounter them only half the time. Treatments for acne and the problems that they leave behind can be dealt with. The best remedy for red marks is time. However, time may not be an option. Other remedies can be tried. Even though remedies do exist, it is the person's body that is the true test.

Red marks are an annoying occurrence when dealing with zits. However, it is the healing process that causes them. A teenager or an adult can cover up the red marks with light makeup if they wish. Nonetheless, watch out for makeup that is rough on the skin and will bring back the original acne. Treatments of zits and blackheads will ultimately cause red marks. Remedies of the aftermath of treatments can help cover them up until they are gone naturally.

Disclaimer: All content within this articles is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. Always consult your own doctor if you're in any way concerned about your health

Related Tags: acne, treatment, pimples, teenagers, alternative, zits, baby, adult, treatments, scars

John Ward
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