Wallace D. Wattles Speaks on the Universal Laws

by Laurence Magne - Date: 2006-12-10 - Word Count: 843 Share This!

There are some very simple questions which, once you get their answers, could change the state of your health dramatically for the better. These questions relate to absolutely everything that you experience and create in your life.
Everything in this universe runs under universal laws that never err even once. To be in the flow - to live in harmony with these laws - leads you to being all-round healthy. Such harmony results in effortless well-being simply because you would be riding the currents that build and maintain all creation. But now the two questions:
1. What are universal laws
2. Why are there any universal laws? (And the answer is more profound than you think it is!)
Wallace D. Wattles, although he lived a century ago, was able to understand why the universe exists in the first place. He summarizes the reason behind the creation of creation: the Original Source that some people refer to as God was all that there was; there was nothing else. It sounds like a joke, or a sleight of mouth.
In the Science of Being Well, Wallace D. Wattles explains that if you have never experienced happiness and I told you that being happy feels great, you would know in your mind what I mean, conceptually, but you wouldn't really complete that knowledge without first experiencing happiness and becoming happy.
To put it in another way, a universal law is a bond that connects all experience so as to achieve total knowing. It was a big project, but it worked! Now let us look at some of these laws and see specifically how they apply.
Law of Gratitude - You have heard it many times that an attitude of gratitude has the power to get you realizing your dreams at record speed. Why? Because gratitude completes the cycle of knowing. Remember, you cannot know what is without knowing what is not. What you like and what you hate are two ends of the same thing. When you are grateful for both what you like and what you don't like, you complete the knowingness and you are released from having to experience what you don't like. Gratitude will speed you through your growth and success more than any amount of hard work ever can.
Law of Attraction - You attract whatever you put your attention to. Whatever you put in your conscious or subconscious mind, you attract into your experience. This law is very much tied to the law of cause and effect. Before you learn that you indeed have this power, your mind will wonder and raise many thoughts, some of which conflict and attack you. At this level, things such as doubt and preferences exist, for you do not think you are responsible and powerful enough to be the creator of your reality. As you watch your life and begin to see the link between your thoughts and your experiences, you become a deliberate thinker, and you no longer think negative, doubt or even have preferences. This law, and the others, are discussed in much more detail in the Science of Being Well Home Study Course by Wallace D. Wattles and Dr Magne.
Law of Cause and Effect (karma) - This is easy to see its use. It simply shows you that you are an active part of All That Is, that your will has effect. As you grow, you begin to see the link between your thoughts, words and actions with your reality. This leads to responsibility and increased power and care. This law ensures that through this process you come to eventually know yourself as a sovereign creator. It is a gentle law that lets you build your own evidence, for whatever you believe you will see as truth, until the day you step aside and notice this link. At this point you become a Deliberate Creator.
Law of Love - Love is energy. Love is not just some mushy feeling. It is energy, the actual building material of all things. It is an actual substance; in fact it is the only substance that exists, taking on the appearance of many forms. You cannot leave a situation permanently until you exit it with love. You can't permanently get rid of what you hate; you can only leave it or transform it through love. This law ensures that you recognize the truth of unity and drop the illusions of separation.
In the Science of Being Well Home Study Course, you will find Principles that you can apply immediately to your health to access your birthright of long-term well-being. Just flow with it! Resistance creates time, acceptance creates miracles. Look at all this again and you will see how time and effort are the creations of resistance against these unbreakable laws. If you wish to know more about all this, see http://www.thescienceofbeingwell.biz. You will also receive a FREE audio CD to discover the 5 Secrets of Creating Abundant Health. You owe it to yourself and your family to download this free CD today and read more on how the Science of Being Well can help you regain your health.

Related Tags: health, illness, cure, healing, alternative therapies, curing disease

For the past 25 years, Dr Magne has been involved in the field of health and cancer research, investigating the reasons why we get sick, and whether we can get well outside of the medical field, using alternative solutions. She has counseled many clients and conducted many lectures and trainings.
I am a professisonal counselor, qualified in Psycho-Immunology, Educational Kinesiology, Huna healing techniques, a trainer of NLP and Time Line Therapy. I also qualified in Oriental Remedial Therapy, and Behavioral Modelling, the art and science of replicating excellence in any field.
Dr Magne believes that disease has no place in our life. You can join her newsletter to discover many ways and techniques to improve your health and win over terminal illnesses on www.alternative-health-ebooks.com. Dr Magne discusses spontaneous healing, the reasons we get sick, and how you too can gain vibrant health, no matter where you start. Because it is your birth right!!!

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