Just 30 Minutes a Day-The Value of a Half Hour

by Kevin Eikenberry - Date: 2007-01-31 - Word Count: 482 Share This!

Give me 2 minutes to read this article and 30 minutes a day and you can achieve any of those things - guaranteed.

You read it right; you can change your life in just thirty minutes a day.  What you do in those thirty minutes depends on what you want to achieve, but let me give you ten suggested ways to spend those 30 minutes . . .

•  Reading positive, uplifting or spiritual materials

•  Reading material that will help you learn something important to you - from team building to trap shooting, leadership to learning to garden

• Exercising

•  Praying or meditating

•  Writing or journaling

•  Reflecting

•  Listening with those you love

•  Working directly on your goal

•  Serving others

•  Planning your next day or week

As you read this list I expect you had two thoughts . . .

•  There is some great stuff on this list.

•  That is what I should do!

My advice is to listen to your intuition, and pick that one thing to do.  You can't do all of these things each day, but you can do one.  Pick one, and starting tomorrow, do it consistently every day; seven day a week preferably.  Do it when you feel like it and do it when you don't.  The key to the power of these thirty minutes is consistency.

And then you had another thought . . .

"What is this guy, crazy?  Doesn't he know how busy I am?  How am I going to find 30 minutes a day?"

I anticipated your concern, so I have made another list for you.  This list is of 10 ways you can find the 30 minutes a day to devote to the task you selected above.

You could find your 30 minutes by reducing any one of these activities by the 30 minutes you are looking for. You could . . .

•  Watch less television

•  Read less of the newspaper

•  Turn off the email

•  Browse the internet less

•  Sleep less

•  Shorten your lunch "hour"

•  Complain less

•  Blame less

•  Gossip less

•  Watch less television (I know it is on the list twice, but it might the easiest one of all!)

 You may be thinking, but I like the local news, or I love my New York Times Crossword puzzle, or I need my sleep.  That is fine, pick a different one, there are plenty of items to choose from.  But ask yourself this question:  Which of these items would I give up in order to reach my goal?

Listen carefully to your answer, and then give it up.

You don't even have to pick the same one every day, but the best way to change your habit will be pick one; otherwise you are trying to "find" your 30 minutes everyday.

It will just take 30 minutes a day, every day, to get something extremely valuable to you.

The clock is ticking, your future awaits.

Potential Principle - How we invest our time will determine how much of our potential we unleash!

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

Related Tags: value, a, minutes, of, just, 30, day-the, half, hour

Kevin Eikenberry is a leadership expert and the Chief Potential Officer of The Kevin Eikenberry Group, a learning consulting company that helps Clients reach their potential through a variety of training, consulting and speaking services. To receive your free special report on Unleashing Your Potential go to http://www.kevineikenberry.com/uypw/index.asp or call us at (317) 387-1424 or 888.LEARNER.

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