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    • 1.

      Basic Guide To Anxiety And Nervous Breakdown

      by Paul Hata - 2008-08-29
      The term 'anxiety' covers multiple forms of abnormal pathological disorders connected to fear, phobia and nervousness of mind. Anxiety may emerge with sudden manifestation or develop gradually over a...
    • 2.

      Symptoms Of Panic Attack And Agoraphobia

      by Paul Hata - 2008-08-29
      Panic attacks are short periods, usually 10 minutes in durations, in which a person feels an intense sense of fear and anxiety. Some panic attacks have durations of only 1 to 5 minutes whereas some m...
    • 3.

      The Effects Of Mental And Nervous Breakdowns

      by Paul Hata - 2008-08-29
      Mental breakdown is better known as nervous breakdown in the medical terms. It is usually used to describe a person who is going through a mental sickness like depression or even anxiety. In the yest...
    • 4.

      How To Deal With Your Nervous Breakdown

      by Paul Hata - 2008-08-29
      The term nervous breakdown" is not a medical term and is not listed as a psychiatric disorder in any medical text. It is a publicly (non-medically) coined term used in common language and speech to i...
    • 5.

      Causes and Consequences Of A Nervous Breakdown

      by Paul Hata - 2008-08-29
      The term nervous breakdown" is not a medical term and is not listed as a psychiatric disorder in any medical text. It is a publicly (non-medically) coined term used in common language and speech to i...
    • 6.

      Nervous Breakdowns Due To Emotional Stress

      by Paul Hata - 2008-08-29
      Nervous breakdowns may happen to people undergoing an emotional turmoil or upheaval in their normal life. The emotional stress generated at such times may cross a threshold, beyond which the body can...
    • 7.

      Reduce Your Mental Breakdown By Reducing Your Stress

      by Paul Hata - 2008-08-29
      A mental breakdown is a state of intense emotional or psychological stress but is a non-medical publicly coined word. Symptoms of a more grave mental disorder are commonly misinterpreted as a mental ...
    • 8.

      Basic Guide To Male Depression

      by Paul Hata - 2008-08-29
      Depression is a very common problem faced by people around the globe. Precisely, depression is a state of mental breakdown, also sometimes referred to as nervous breakdown. It is described as a sudde...
    • 9.

      Male Depression Due To Job Stress

      by Paul Hata - 2008-08-29
      Depression is a problem, which is faced, by most of the people worldwide. Though the statistics show that women are the most affected by this problem, reality bites. In reality men are more vulnerabl...
    • 10.

      Basic Guide To Female Depression

      by Paul Hata - 2008-08-29
      Depression is a state of mind in which a person experiences acute mental illness and anxiety. It is one of the consequences of nervous breakdown which is also commonly known as mental breakdown. In t...