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  • vegan

    • 1.

      Is Organic Really Better?

      by Krystle Linehan - 2006-12-12
      In one word- yes. Organic beauty ingredients are derivatives from the Earth and do not contain the chemicals, colors or harmful elements that other well-known beauty companies include in their produc...
    • 2.

      Be Careful of Vegan Detox Diet

      by Joann Cheong - 2006-12-16
      A lot of people nowadays are increasingly cautious with their food intake and are currently leaning more towards a healthier lifestyle. This is mainly brought about by the fact that there is an alarmi...
    • 3.

      Becoming a Vegan?

      by davinos greeno - 2006-10-25
      A vegan is a person who avoids as far as possible the use of any animal products for nourishment or for any other purpose. Depending on one's level of commitment this can include not using certa...
    • 4.

      Is Organic Really Better

      by Krystle Linehan - 2006-12-21
      In one word- yes. Organic beauty ingredients are derivatives from the Earth and do not contain the chemicals, colors or harmful elements that other well-known beauty companies include in their produc...
    • 5.

      Seven Compelling Reasons Why We Were Designed To Eat Raw Vegan Food

      by Scott Jackson - 2007-01-03
      When you ask anybody "what are the most healthy foods in the world?" they will answer -"fresh fruits and vegetables". Then ask them how much do they eat and most will say not many or none.The majorit...
    • 6.

      Going Ape Over The Evo-Diet

      by chester ku-lea - 2007-01-23
      An adventurous group of humans in the UK decided to eat like apes, literally, and while doing so found there were many health benefits to the plant-based diet. This made-for-tv experiment had...
    • 7.

      Why do people choose to become Vegan?

      by Davinos Greeno - 2007-01-03
      Animal Welfare - Despite the common belief that drinking milk or eating eggs does not kill animals, commercially raised dairy cows and egg-laying chickens, whether factory-farmed or 'free range,' a...
    • 8.

      The History of Soy

      by Francesca Black - 2007-02-25
      The soybean has a long history and a very long journey through out the world. This journey, lasting almost 27 centuries, changed the world that we know today. Soy products feed a large part of nearly ...
    • 9.

      Vitamin B12 in a Vegan Diet: The Dreaded Debate

      by Gina Buss - 2007-03-01
      When you follow a vegan lifestyle, there are many questions that you probably dread. Where do you get your protein? Why don't you eat dairy or eggs? How do you get your calcium if you don't drink milk...
    • 10.

      It's Not Easy Being Vegan

      by Barry Lovelace - 2007-04-16
      It's not easy being vegan. I don't mean that it is a difficult lifestyle; I embrace it and love it and would never consider living any other way. What I mean is that often we are made to feel like eit...