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    • 21.

      Impersonal Development

      by Johan Holmberg - 2007-01-22
      Sporadically, I've encountered some negativity in the comments of the personal development blog-o-sphere. It's as if self-help allegedly has a dark side to it - egotism, fluff, exploitation, superiori...
    • 22.

      How Do I Love Myself When I Feel Like Crap?

      by Elaine Sihera - 2007-01-24
      Many people see my constant, happy smile and make instant assumptions about me and my past. However, my childhood was a pretty traumatic one. In the bad old days, as I call them, I would pass a mirror...
    • 23.

      PROTEIN CARP BAIT INGREDIENTS -- Best ‘Biological Nutritional Values' for MASSIVE CATCHES

      by Tim F. Richardson - 2007-01-24
      * 'Protein-based' carp fishing baits have proven to be extremely consistently effective! *But how do you know how much protein ingredients will have an effect in your bait before you start making...
    • 24.

      PROTEIN CARP BAIT INGREDIENTS -- Best 'Biological Nutritional Values' for BIG CARP CATCHES

      by Tim F. Richardson - 2007-01-24
      * 'Protein-based' carp fishing baits have proven to be extremely consistently effective! *But how do you know how much protein ingredients will have an effect in your bait before you start making...
    • 25.

      Rhinophobia (Fear of Cash)--A Bad Disease for an Investor

      by David Van Knapp - 2007-01-28
      Rhinophobia is an investor's disease: the dread of having any cash. The rhinophobic feels that all of his or her ''stock money'' must be fully invested at all times.Let's say you are an individual inv...
    • 26.

      Found Money

      by Jim Wright - 2006-11-16
      What, Pray Tell, is Found MoneyWhen I was about ten years old I was walking along the alley way behind our home and spied a twenty dollar bill at the edge of it. I looked around and didn't see any...
    • 27.

      3 Ways of Pricing - Why Value Pricing is the Best

      by John Crockett - 2007-01-28
      Where you sit in the distribution chain and how long that chain is often influences how your pricing strategy is set.There are probably just three ways you can price:1. Cost plus: this is where you de...
    • 28.

      Just 30 Minutes a Day-The Value of a Half Hour

      by Kevin Eikenberry - 2007-01-31
      Give me 2 minutes to read this article and 30 minutes a day and you can achieve any of those things - guaranteed.You read it right; you can change your life in just thirty minutes a day.  Wha...
    • 29.

      Why Light?

      by Roger Neumann - 2007-02-01
      Whether you just built a home, purchased a home or have been living in your home for some time, there comes a time when many people, just like you, decide to install landscape-lighting. We all kno...
    • 30.

      Don't Underestimate the Value of Self-Esteem

      by Jeffrey Hauser - 2007-02-04
      Being raised in a broken home, I often questioned my future and where I would end up. I had no male role model and my mother was not a well woman, especially right after the divorce. I was the lone m...