tax lien investing

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  • tax lien investing

    • 1.

      Step One to Building Your Profitable Tax Lien Portfolio

      by Joanne Musa - 2006-12-21
      The first step to building a profitable portfolio of tax liens or tax deeds is to decide on the purpose of your tax lien or tax deed investment portfolio. Why do you want to invest in tax liens or tax...
    • 2.

      Step Three to Building Your Profitable Tax Lien Portfolio

      by Joanne Musa - 2007-01-20
      Your first step to building a profitable tax lien or tax deed portfolio was deciding why you want to invest. This will determine how you are going to invest. Will you invest through a self-directed IR...
    • 3.

      Step Four to Building Your Profitable Tax Lien Portfolio

      by Joanne Musa - 2007-01-28
      Once you've completed the first three steps in the process of building your profitable tax lien portfolio, your real work begins. Now that you know where you're going to invest and you have the tax sa...
    • 4.

      When to Buy a Tax Sale List

      by Joanne Musa - 2007-02-08
      One of the first things that you have to do to invest in tax lien certificates or tax deeds is to get the list of properties that are in the tax sale. Sometimes you can find this list online, on the t...
    • 5.

      Step Five to Building Your Profitable Tax Lien Portfolio

      by Joanne Musa - 2007-04-27
      Once you've done your due diligence on the tax sale properties that you intend to bid on, it's time to prepare to go to the tax sale. Preparing to go to the sale consists of registering to bid at the ...
    • 6.

      Tax Deeds Vs. Tax Liens

      by Andrew Kryzak - 2007-06-14
      You have probably heard about the investment opportunities in tax liens and deeds. They can be quite lucrative - possibly the most lucrative and safe investment you will ever find, if you have the ne...
    • 7.

      How To Buy Tax Lien Certificates For Profit

      by Mike Fairweather - 2007-09-05
      Buying tax lien certificates can be a very profitable way to invest in real estate and with the right knowledge can provide very healthy returns on your money. But it's not to be treated as a "get-ric...
    • 8.

      Tax Lien Investing Faqs

      by Joanne M. Musa - 2008-04-22
      Recently I sent an e-mail out to my subscribers asking them some questions. I wanted to find out what it is that most people want to know about tax lien investing. I got a lot of good questions and I ...
    • 9.

      Effectivetax Lien Investing Strategies: Knowledge Is Success

      by Brent Crouch - 2008-06-13
      There is unquestionably an art to winning bids at an auction. The accomplished bidder has the right timing and the right knowledge. In the world of tax lien investing, there are veteran investors and ...
    • 10.

      Buying Over The Counter Tax Liens

      by Brent Crouch - 2008-06-17
      Maybe the intense competition and split-second decisions inherent to an auction make you nervous. Maybe you don't have the time or the extra gas money to travel to an out-of-state sale. Or maybe all t...