ringing in the ears

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  • ringing in the ears

    • 1.

      Tinnitus Cannot Ruin your Life, Only you Can Do That

      by Paul Tobey - 2007-01-09
      There's no denying that Tinnitus is a debilitating physical ailment that can have dire consequences on even the strongest person's ability to function normally and live a happy productive life. Many ...
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      Tinnitus Has No Meaning Except the Meaning We Give It

      by Paul Tobey - 2007-01-17
      Of all the information I've made available on how to heal your Tinnitus this lesson is probably the most difficult. Why is that? Because it has to do with how you were raised and how difficult it is ...
    • 3.

      Tinnitus and the - Either Or - Thinking

      by Paul Tobey - 2007-01-24
      In the world we live in most people think "either or." For example; do you want to be successful or do you want a healthy family life? Most people would think one or the other. They think it tak...
    • 4.

      Tinnitus From a Spouse's Perspective

      by Paul Tobey - 2007-01-31
      In sickness and in health is a promise I made to my husband twelve years ago. However, I can honestly say that I made that vow in ignorance. Because, until the person you love is suffering, one can n...
    • 5.

      Tinnitus and Your True Heart's Desire

      by Paul Tobey - 2007-02-21
      As I've said many times before and have written in several previous articles, it's important for Tinnitus sufferers to focus on what they want instead of what they don't want. For example; if you ...
    • 6.

      How Does a Musician Deal With Tinnitus?

      by Paul Tobey - 2007-03-15
      As a so-called expert on tinnitus and a professional concert pianist I often get asked, "How does tinnitus affect your ability to practice and perform music." I'd like to answer this question in such...
    • 7.

      Tinnitus and the Law of Attraction

      by Paul Tobey - 2007-03-27
      Just like the law of gravity the law of attraction is a natural law of the universe. Everyone is subject to its law whether they realize it or not. The basic premise of this law is; like attracts li...
    • 8.

      Tinnitus Forces you to Learn

      by Paul Tobey - 2007-04-13
      Do you know the main reason why most people don't get the results they desire? It's because they don't follow through on anything long enough to get the desired effect. They give up before they reac...
    • 9.

      Tinnitus Relief - Tinnitus Free Living

      by Mel Calaby - 2007-04-17
      If you are suffering from Tinnitus, your primary concern would be, "How can I find relief from Tinnitus?" Just like there are various reasons that may cause Tinnitus, similarly there are various treat...
    • 10.

      Mastering your Life and Tinnitus

      by Paul Tobey - 2007-05-07
      Over the last several months I've written dozens of articles on Tinnitus. In those articles I've addressed everything from getting relief from tinnitus, to sleeping with tinnitus, sex and tinnitus, m...