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  • religious

    • 1.

      The Origins of Buddhism

      by James Mclean Bowie - 2006-11-25
      Buddhism as a religious tradition started during the life of Buddha who was known as Siddhartha Gautama, also known as Shakyamuni.Buddha was born in India around the end of the sixth century.The teach...
    • 2.

      I Refuse to be Politically Correct

      by Michele Winslow - 2006-12-07
      This year, I refuse, repeat, refuse to be "Political Correct."This is the Christmas Season. If you take "MAS" off the word Christmas, what do you have? You have CHRIST.I have and know people who are...
    • 3.

      Management Order Not To Wear The Veil While Teaching Is Not Discriminatory

      by BRIAN MCLELLAND - 2006-12-12
      Making the news of late has been the veil and not only by way of Jack Straw's comments which were sensationalised by the media.Widely reported was Azmi v Kirklees Metropolitan Council, in which the Co...
    • 4.

      Angel Gift Poem

      by Shellie Wilson - 2006-12-12
      This angel craft poem is an ideal craft for loved ones in need. You can make this project as simple as some card stock and a plain white feather or you can place it into a box or gift card.You can use...
    • 5.

      First Holy Communion Celebration

      by Gail Leino - 2006-12-19
      In the tradition of Catholicism, a child's First Holy Communion is a time for celebration. In many families, the Mass is followed by a luncheon at the family's home or perhaps meeting in a restaurant ...
    • 6.

      Religions and The Theory of Sharing One God

      by Kristen Santos - 2007-01-04
      Why are our children taught so young about the tragedies in the bible? Why are they taught all these horribly bias things? I don't understand. We disagree with what Muslims do... can't we see we are d...
    • 7.

      The Spiritual Evolution

      by Eva Ravenwood - 2007-01-27
      We are headed toward a new spiritual paradigm in which exclusionary religious practices will become archaic. That, in my opinion, is probably good, because it makes it much harder to "kill in the nam...
    • 8.

      If We Only Had A Tree!

      by Jean Dickson - 2007-02-12
      Most fairy tales begin, "Once upon a time, in a land far, far away." Well, this wasn't once upon a time, it wasn't in a land far, far away - and it wasn't no fairy tale.It was nine years ago, in a blu...
    • 9.

      The Christian University - An Education Enlightened By Faith

      by Michael Monhollon - 2007-03-09
      According to Auguste Comte (1798-1857), the founder of the field of sociology, true science precludes religious considerations, and empirical investigation is the only reliable way to truth. In the la...
    • 10.

      Holistic Meditation

      by Rob Daniels - 2007-04-02
      We are told that meditation is natural, that when someone sleeps they go into a meditative state. To fully understand the purpose and functioning of meditation one has to observe the human as both a p...