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    • 171.

      What is Netiquette?

      by Sandra Prior - 2008-06-19
      Netiquette is an attempt to foist table manners on the Net user who might care - a sort of book of right and proper manners for all young and fair societies. Or generally, a set of guidelines Net user...
    • 172.

      Why are Some People So Hard to Understand?

      by Lynda Stucky, M.A. CCC-Speech Pathology - 2008-06-20
      Copyright (c) 2008 Lynda StuckyThe difficult task of learning another language is no small feat! There are new sounds to make, different tones and melodies to learn and differences in sentence con...
    • 173.

      Ceiling Lift for People with a Disability

      by Anthony Robbins - 2008-06-28
      Elderly people are usually tied down by physical disabilities caused by illness and depression. Physical disabilities have a high impact on the daily activities of a person. Physically disabled in...
    • 174.

      Family Relationship Strained - Repair It With Care!

      by Kirthy S - 2008-06-28
      Is enough care being taken by family members, where in both the husband and wife are career oriented. Kids don't have enough of knowledge about their own culture, ethnicity and how diverse it is from ...
    • 175.

      PHP and people go hand-in-hand in evolution

      by Daniel Punch - 2008-06-30
       Web developers are normal people. Do you agree?Most probably if you are reading this article I am talking about you. So lookin the mirror…are you normal? If you are a developer you would know abo...
    • 176.

      How to Projectize People and Adopt a Project Culture

      by John Reiling - 2008-07-04
      Many organizations are "projectizing" and developing a strong and effective project management infrastructure. There are challenges along the way, and a number of approaches. However, regardless...
    • 177.

      5 Rich And Influential Figures Of The 21st Century

      by Ceirwin Bennett - 2008-07-10
      Influence is defined as having the power to manipulate humanity, devoid of having to make use of too much effort or sometimes even instinctively. Similar to how elder siblings, parents or close friend...
    • 178.

      Amish Handcrafted Furniture - a Modern Heirloom

      by Sarika Kabra - 2008-07-15
      When you say the word Amish, for a lot of people what first comes to mind is the old fashioned, horse drawn buggy. There are a lot of concepts associated with the Amish people and their way of life s...
    • 179.

      Home Improvement, Amish Handcrafted Furniture - A Modern Heirloom

      by Sarika Kabra - 2008-07-15
      When you say the word Amish, for a lot of people what first comes to mind is the old fashioned, horse drawn buggy. There are a lot of concepts associated with the Amish people and their way of lif...
    • 180.

      Become Healthy With Finnish Traditional Saunas

      by Jill Johnson.. - 2008-07-26
      Finland is the birthplace of the steam bath. The Finnish traditional saunas is a significant part of the Finnish culture. Finns consider saunas not as a treat, but as an essential part of their lifest...