managing people

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  • managing people
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  • managing people

    • 1.

      The EMyth perspective

      by Julie Johnson - 2007-01-24
      Michael Gerber in his book "The Emyth Manager," believes that "the role of the manager is to engage with the present in a fully enlightened manner while inventing the future." He believes th...
    • 2.

      The Corporate Dinner; A Window Into Corporate Culture

      by Kevin Dwyer - 2007-03-04
      Over the years, I guess I've attended thousands of corporate get togethers over dinner. I have, either as an out-of-towner, or hosting out-of-towners attending a conference or workshop, observed the b...
    • 3.

      Effective Leadership: It's the Little Things

      by David A. Thompson - 2007-03-08
      Leaders can make a major difference in the lives of the people around them by being aware of the impact of the little things. In this article, we offer 5 tips for improving relationships and earning i...
    • 4.

      7 Mistakes Managers Make

      by Colleen Kettenhofen - 2007-03-13
      Many managers, supervisors and team leaders are promoted to leadership positions based on their "hard skills" or technical skills. Yet, as new managers, most of them have never had any formal training...
    • 5.

      Managing People - Setting Boundaries

      by Kevin Dwyer - 2007-03-26
      Boundary setting is something one expects to find in a parenting book or a psychologist's journal. However, it applies to adult to adult relationships at work as much as it does to adult to child rela...
    • 6.

      Managing Reality - Learning to Love Our Mistakes

      by Kevin Dwyer - 2007-04-22
      Too often I see and hear the impact of leaders not managing what lies in front of them. Rather, they manage what they would like to see or imagine is there. The consequence is usually underperformance...
    • 7.

      Team Building in Business: An Opportunity for Happiness and Success

      by Andrew Dunning - 2007-05-21
      Why team building is an opportunityMore than during any other period in history, today is a time when the joint efforts of people are necessary to make a better world for ourselves and our children. W...
    • 8.

      Business Small Business Get Out Of The Way - Managing Managers

      by DAVID A. GOLDSMITH - 2007-07-13
      "Is there anything you need from me?" the supervisor asks his new manager. Of course at this point there may be an item or two on the agenda that needs filling, but this question indicates a prob...
    • 9.

      Business Efficiency - Three Easy Steps To Make The Difference

      by Martin Haworth - 2007-08-08
      Remember a time when you were fully in control and how exasperating it is now, where 'processes' and 'systems' are the way things are done. the only place you have left is how you choose to do things....
    • 10.

      Team Building - The Route To Accelerating Your Business Development

      by Martin Haworth - 2007-09-05
      To accomplish the overall objectives given to them, your 'team' must be unified and know where they fit. Above all, they need to be clear on the importance of the overall team's performance, to the fi...