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    • 1.

      Here's How to Fix Any Diet Slip-Up

      by Robin Boddy - 2006-12-01
      So, you splurged on that piece (or two) of chocolate cake or overdid at the buffet table? You think your diet plan is ruined, so why bother? To get back on track with ease, here are some timely tips.B...
    • 2.

      The French Paradox: Why the French Don't Get Fat and Americans Do

      by Slade Gray - 2006-12-04
      It is often observed that the French, among other cultures, enjoy a paradox that is anything but imaginable to most Americans. The "French Paradox", as it has been labeled, illustrates how the French...
    • 3.

      The Liquid Diet: How Alcohol Can Destroy a Diet

      by Slade Gray - 2006-12-04
      We have discussed in the past the importance of discovering the hidden fats and calories in the foods we eat. I showed how a salad, sandwich, or any other common type of food can quickly double in fa...
    • 4.

      The Salad Trap: Why Salads are Usually the Devil

      by Slade Gray - 2006-12-04
      Fresh, green, loaded with vegetables and all our other favorite toppings, the salad has satisfied dieters and non-dieters alike for years. Dieters always turn to the salad as a clear indicator that t...
    • 5.

      Nobody Has Ever Gotten Skinny By Doing Situps,Ever

      by Slade Gray - 2006-12-04
      One of the largest myths surrounding the search for a slimmer waistline is the proclaimed benefits of abdominal exercises. We are surrounded by infomercials touting drastic weight loss due to ab-roll...
    • 6.

      Getting Exercise and Enjoying It

      by Rick Lannquist - 2006-12-11
      Finding time for exercise in today's world is not easy. Maybe if you could combine it with some other activity it would be more "user friendly".What would you say if there was a great way to socialize...
    • 7.

      Lose Weight and You Will Feel Better the Rest of Your Life

      by Hannes Johnson - 2006-12-11
      If you feel like you are overweight you are not alone. There are thousands of people in the world that feel like they could lose a few pounds. But the good thing is that every year a large percentag...
    • 8.

      Tips To Losing Weight During The Holidays

      by Beau Penaranda - 2006-12-18
      With the holiday season comes gifts, friends and family and lot's of food. Many would be dieter's are waiting to start that new diet as part of their New Year's resolution. Instead of waiting, why not...
    • 9.

      Americans Are Dying Sooner

      by Michael Davis - 2007-01-23
      America can be a great country to live in, but why are we so unhealthy? It seems that you see a fitness commercial on television every 10 seconds, pushing fitness equipment, vitamins, and pills on us....
    • 10.

      Are You Fat? OR Smart

      by Saad Anwar - 2007-02-26
      For people who are overweight according to their height and age this question is very simple and easy to answer, problem arises when people who are on the verge of that thin line which distinguish bet...