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  • confidential
  • conflict
  • conflict diamonds
  • conflict resolution
  • confusion
  • congress
  • conjunctivitis
  • connect
  • connecticut
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  • connection
  • connections
  • connectivity
  • connie ragen green
  • conractors
  • cons
  • conscience
  • conscious
  • conscious creation
  • consciousness
  • consequences
  • conservation
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  • conservatories
  • conservatory
  • consider
  • consistency
  • console
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  • consolidate
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  • consolidate debt
  • consolidate debts
  • consolidate loan
  • consolidate student loan
  • consolidate student loans
  • consolidating debt
  • consciousness

    • 181.

      Spiraling Upwards

      by Ernie Fitzpatrick - 2008-08-26
      Watching the Democratic convetion there's a sense of deja vu, like haven't we been here before? And the answer is YES and the answer is NO. How many times around the mountain did the Hebrews have to ...
    • 182.

      Biospheric Bungling!

      by Ernie Fitzpatrick - 2008-08-27
      What in the world is this and what's whatever it is got to do with 2012? Well, maybe nothing if you're expecting the end of the world, but then again maybe something great if you're looking for a lea...
    • 183.

      Advice, A Challenge to the World; Shift Your Consciousness, While You Can

      by E. RAYMOND ROCK - 2008-08-28
      First of all, why should you, as an individual, shift your consciousness? If you are a Hindu, you have been taught to worship Brahma, the creator of all reality, or Vishnu, the preserver of all of...
    • 184.

      Arcturian Answers?

      by Ernie Fitzpatrick - 2008-09-01
      Arcturus is the brightest star in the Bootes constellation, which is approximately thirty-six light years from Earth and the third brightest star in the night sky. And? And, Edgar Cayce has said in h...
    • 185.

      Elite Intellectuals?

      by Ernie Fitzpatrick - 2008-09-04
      There are some in the press that have posited someone who has an IQ over 120 as not only intellectual but an elitist, as though somehow the two are synonymous. And, if someone can give a good speech ...
    • 186.

      Advice, Dying to Everything

      by E. RAYMOND ROCK - 2008-09-08
      As long as there is hope, there will be despair. As long as there is experience, there will be death. Yet fervently we seek both. Human beings are strange creatures. What creatures of e...
    • 187.

      The Human Need for a Father

      by Ernie Fitzpatrick - 2008-09-08
      Once upon a time, in a life I lived absent a lot of spiritual understanding and a meager amount of intellectual aplication, I saw God as a FATHER who somehow lived OUT THERE. I had mental pictures of...
    • 188.

      Self Improvement, A Psychology for the New Age: Quantum Psychology

      by JEAN BOYD - 2008-09-09
      Bell bottoms, transcendental meditation, love beads, civil rights, protest marches: the 1960s, the Age of Aquarius, a time of radical social change that ushered in the "New Age." Time passed, and...
    • 189.

      Add Murphy's Law to Moore's Law

      by Ernie Fitzpatrick - 2008-09-10
      The battle for an enhanced and exponential rise in consciousness between now and 2012 is not going to be a walk in the park by any means. We've got Moore's Law going for us, but we've got Murphy's la...
    • 190.

      Advice, People Ask Me, "Why Do You Meditate?"

      by E. RAYMOND ROCK - 2008-09-12
      The mind is a curious thing. Oddly enough, it seeks security in such silly concepts as the past. But what if the mind learned not to do that? What if the mind trained itself not to seek security i...