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  • cholesterol

    • 1.

      Heart Disease - The Shocking Truth

      by Michael Sheridan - 2006-11-28
      Heart disease is the western world's biggest killer. It is closely followed by stroke. In fact overall around 90% of westerners have at least one modifiable risk factor for heart, stroke and vascular ...
    • 2.

      Syndrome X: Superhero Or Super Killer

      by MJ Kaye - 2006-11-30
      You think to yourself, "How did this happen to me?" You are in your 40's. You are at the doctor's office, and she is telling you that you suffer from Syndrome X. You're not even sure you heard the doc...
    • 3.

      Reduce Cholesterol With Low Cholesterol Diets

      by Ahmed Fouad - 2006-12-01
      Cholesterol is a fatty substance in blood that is essential to human life because it is instrumental in building and repairing cells, the production of sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone, con...
    • 4.

      Conquering Coronary Disease by Lowering LDL Cholesterol

      by Jason Pompeo - 2006-12-01
      Coronary heart disease is the highest causes of death in industrialized countries which includes the US. Cardiovascular disease does not look to diminish as an increase in the numbers of obese adults ...
    • 5.

      Lose Weight, Feel Great and Eliminate Illness with a Body Cleansing Detox

      by Karla Ruzycki-Davis - 2006-12-02
      Why do I need to do a body Cleanse?Your body absorbs everything you drink, eat, and breathe. Therefore every cup of coffee, every breath of air, polluted or otherwise is pulled into your body and proc...
    • 6.

      Discover the Mystical Healing Power of Walnuts, an Amazing Superfood

      by Adam Tijerina - 2006-12-04
      Did you know that one of the easiest and most convenient health foods you can get today are nuts? Ask me about a week ago about this and I wouldn't have believed you. I mean nuts? C'mon, how can th...
    • 7.

      Here's To Your Everyday Habits

      by Slade Gray - 2006-12-04
      What I want to unlock in the fat mentality is how the patterns of overweight people differ so starkly from those of their slimmer counterparts. As a matter of fact, it is what drove me to research an...
    • 8.

      Heart Problems: Modern Bane

      by Brayan Stewert - 2006-12-05
      Our ancestors seldom had diseases like heart attacks or other heart diseases. Historical facts state that inspite of the absence of the modern day comforts; they led a healthy life and had a lifespan ...
    • 9.

      The Healthiest Meat Recipe in The World

      by Waheed Elqalatawy - 2006-12-06
      The ancient Egyptians had left to us the healthiest recipe in the world.It is the healthiest recipe in the world for the following reasons:1- It uses absolutely no fats, and the fat present in this re...
    • 10.

      Silybin Lowers Harmful Cholesterol Levels

      by Nicole Cutler - 2006-12-06
      Western medicine has not demonstrated consistent success in treating HCV, prompting many people to turn to alternative therapies. Nutritional supplements can provide valuable support to those with liv...