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    • 71.

      Forex Trading for Beginners - Facts you Must Accept to Win

      by Sacha Tarkovsky - 2007-07-12
      Enclosed you will find some facts that you MUST accept or you won't win at forex trading, so check them out and see if you could succeed in the worlds most excting investment.1. Markets are Not Scient...
    • 72.

      Forex Charts - Using The Adx Indicator For Bigger Profits

      by Stephen todd - 2007-07-19
      If you're using charts, then you want to trade the strong trends - and the Average Directional Movement Index Indicator, or ADX, enables you to do this.Wells Wilder developed the ADX, and outlined it ...
    • 73.

      Finance & Investment Forex Trading - The 3 Keys to a Winning Trader's Mindset

      by sacha tarkovsky - 2007-07-21
      Forex trading is simple to learn, and anyone can acquire the skills - so, why is it that 95% of traders lose money? Many traders lose money because they have poor methods, though some have sound m...
    • 74.

      Forex Trading - The 3 Keys To A Winning Trader's Mindset

      by Stephen todd - 2007-07-21
      Forex trading is simple to learn, and anyone can acquire the skills - so, why is it that 95% of traders lose money? Many traders lose money because they have poor methods, though some have sound metho...
    • 75.

      History of Bulova Watches

      by Zai Zhu - 2007-07-24
      From the days of when the only clocks available where sun dials to the times of the pocket watch, and through to the present day, people have always been obsessed with keeping track of the time....
    • 76.

      Cell Phone Users Embrace Ego-Texting

      by Dingo - 2007-07-25
      SAN FRANCISCO, CA - Carlyle Solutions today announces the launch of an innovative new information service for US cellular phone users.Starting today, cellular phone users on the Alltel, AT&T, Bo...
    • 77.

      Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for OCD

      by Karen Hastings - 2007-07-31
      OCD is a common problem that can be overcome with CBT, either by using a CBT based self-help book or via more intensive therapist support. OCD is characterised by obsessions and compulsions. ...
    • 78.

      Timing the "S" Corporation Designation

      by Richard Chapo - 2007-08-22
      The corporate entity is a very popular one with most businesses. Although traditional "C" corporations are frowned upon for small businesses, "S" corporations are viewed more favorably.So, just ...
    • 79.

      Michael Vick - My Game Went To the Dogs - How One Choice Brought An Unexpected Consequence

      by Chuck Gallagher - 2007-08-21
      Most everywhere you turn when looking at sports these days you'll see and hear stories about the prosecution of Michael Vick, the Atlanta Falcons football star quarterback. Expecting to be prepa...
    • 80.

      asburyparklife.com ...boardwalk events and city business, restaurants and real estate news.

      by IFFPF Inc. - 2007-08-28
      City of Asbury Park , courtesy of Paul R Hauke and IFFPF Inc, free restaurant, business and real estate news. The latest on the Asbury Partners re-development, the Berkeley Carteret Hotel ,...