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  • alchemy

    • 1.

      Riding the Creative Flow

      by Patrice Julien - 2006-12-03
      Notice that as soon as we wake up we start building stories inside our minds. It's a mixture of yesterday, now, tomorrow with a pinch of apprehension and a few drops of fatigue. We never take things a...
    • 2.

      Medicine in Medieval Times

      by Josh Stone - 2007-04-26
      Oh, how fortunate the medical field is with its modern conveniences. You have the Internet to share knowledge on, digital imaging equipment to render your CT scans, and every gadget and gizmo up to an...
    • 3.

      Isaac Newton's Alchemical Studies

      by Richard Adams-Blackburn - 2007-05-21
      Out of all Isaac Newton's myriad interests, alchemy appears to have been his passion. His famous works on optics, mechanics and mathematics were mere side-thoughts in comparison to the thirty years he...
    • 4.

      A General Look at Alchemy Part 4

      by Leonard Lee - 2007-05-24
      Steps in AlchemyEvery spiritual system has its steps or phases of development. The Qabalist has his guide in the fruits and the paths of the "Tree of Life." Mahayana Buddhism teaches its adherents the...
    • 5.

      A General Look at Alchemy Part 3

      by Leonard Lee - 2007-05-24
      The Philosopher's StoneThe Philosopher's Stone is a catalyst that transmutes an object to its highest expression. With the application of the Stone, for instance, base metals are transformed into gold...
    • 6.

      A General Look at Alchemy Part 2

      by Leonard Lee - 2007-05-24
      Physical AlchemyTransmutation of one substance into another such as base metals into gold, water into wine, etc., is the physical aspect of alchemy. It is often referred to as the "Greater Circulation...
    • 7.

      A General Look at Alchemy Part 1

      by Leonard Lee - 2007-05-24
      Alchemy's OriginAlchemy, according to esoteric writers, is said to be the invention of an ancient Egyptian sage called Hermes Trismegistus. The "Father of Alchemy" lived in an unknown age of Egyptian ...
    • 8.

      Alchemy, Shamanism, Array Organic Food, and the Doctrine of Signatures

      by Howard G Charing - 2007-06-29
      The 16th century alchemist and philosopher, Paracelsus, introduced in his treatise the Doctrine of Signatures , the concept that the Creator has placed his seal on plants to indicate their medicinal u...
    • 9.

      Organic Food, Alchemy, Shamanism, and the Doctrine of Signatures

      by H G Charing - 2007-07-01
      The 16th century alchemist and philosopher, Paracelsus, introduced in his treatise the Doctrine of Signatures , the concept that the Creator has placed his seal on plants to indicate their medic...
    • 10.

      Chemistry and Goals of Chemists

      by Dr.Badruddin Khan - 2008-09-20
      Chemistry is a science of substances, their properties, and how and why materials combine or separate to form different substances. Atoms, molecules and compounds are the involved ones in the study o...